Oh, Poor Pun Site....We Still Love You!!
Perhaps making some puns here would be better than simply creating "promotional materials" that complain about the lack of attention we have been giving this site...hmm?

Well, in honor of Chelsea's one woman show ( and my poster) some theatre puns...
I'm starting to think that my posters are a little PLAYed-out.
Someone might think this is a little...STAGED.
I tried to get ahold of Michelle, but never got a CALLBACK.
I'm laughing so much my SIDES are CURTAIN!
Well, it's been a good RUN, now it's time for you guys to UPSTAGE me...
I'm not BLOCKING anyone from posting comments, so have pun!
Posted by [Drue]
Chelsea's show info:
TONITE: Tuesday, DECEMBER 14 (8pm)
& also this Thursday, DECEMBER 16 (10pm).
At Ars Nova (511 W. 54th St. btwn. 10th and 11th Ave.).
This blog seems to be Loman on the totem pole when it comes to its creators' interests. I'm glad it has STARted up again.
I Biff-ore E except after C...
Helen Hays for horses.
To-NY or not To-NY, that is the question...
I hope to SCRIPT together enough money to pay for the show.
I sure was TICKET off that there were no puns for awhile.
AISLE be looking for more in the near future.
In any battle, it's either USHER them who wins.
Hi great readinng your blog
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